Degree in Theology

Now in our seminary you can get a degree in Theology! We have decided that the basic and pastoral course is not sufficient for our ministers. And now education will be built as follows.

Firstly, everyone, including catechists, will be able to take the basic course. Every lay person should know everything that is contained in this course. And this course is absolutely free for everyone!

If a nurse or catechist wishes to become a deacon or pastor, he must take the pastoral and additional courses. Upon passing, he will receive a certificate and the opportunity to receive a scientific degree. Immediately he receives an associate’s degree, and this is just one step to a bachelor’s degree!

When writing a scientific work and defending it, as well as demonstrating excellent theoretical knowledge in the field of theology, the applicant receives a bachelor’s degree in theology. And can continue learning.

The next step is a master’s program, where the applicant must show already excellent practical skills in theological activities, as well as write a master’s scientific work and defend it.

As soon as the master’s degree is obtained, the seminarian has the right to proceed to the scientific work of a doctor of theology on a specific topic. Doctor is the highest degree, and the specialist must show both excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Requirements for all papers are indicated upon admission, then the topic is selected. In his work, the applicant demonstrates his knowledge, adherence to the Lutheran doctrine, ideas for preserving and multiplying the parishes of the church, and also shows his experience of ministry.

All learning outcomes at the last 3 stages are published on the website of the Synod, the materials are never repeated.

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